# Settings In the **Settings** menu of Wordpress click on **ACF Front Form** ![](img/acf_ff_settings.jpg) ## acf_form_head() This function is used to process, validate and save the submitted form data created by the `acf_form()` function. It will also enqueue all ACF related scripts and styles for the acf form to render correctly. [Read the documentation](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf_form_head/) Disable this function if you have added `acf_form_head()` manually or using another plugin ## acf_enqueue_uploader() This will create a hidden WYSIWYG field and enqueue the required JS templates for the WP media popups Disable this function if you have added `acf_enqueue_uploader()` manually or using another plugin ## Inline JS This will allow ACF to initialize the fields within the newly added HTML. [Read the documentation](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf_form/#ajax) Disable this function if you have added the inline JS manually or using another plugin